Staff Directory


Photo of Rachelle Miller

Mrs. Rachelle Miller


Photo of Kimberly Wright

Mrs. Kimberly Wright

Vice Principal, LST, ELA 3, CTF 8/9, Social 7, Art 6, Music 6

Administrative Assistants

Photo of Karmen Douglas

Mrs. Karmen Douglas


Photo of Sheina Russell

Mrs. Sheina Russell



Photo of April Brower

Mrs. April Brower

Science 7/8, Math 9, Math 7/8, CTF 5/6/7/8

Photo of Lisa Fedunec

Mrs. Lisa Fedunec

Science 10, Math 9/20, Financial/Legal Studies 10/20/30, Chemistry 20, CALM 10

Photo of Erynn Gordon

Ms. Erynn Gordon

Kindergarten, PEW K/1

Photo of Cory Grinton

Mr. Cory Grinton

ELA 9/10/20/30, CTS 10/20/30

Photo of Lara Johannsen

Mrs. Lara Johannsen

Grade 3/4 ELA/Science/Social, Physical Education 2/3, 4/5, 6/7, 8/9

Photo of Emily Kenney

Ms. Emily Kenney

CTS 30, Math 7, ELA 8, CTF 7/8/9, Social 7, Drama 7/8

Photo of Kayla McPhillips

Ms. Kayla McPhillips

Science 5/6, Math 3/4/5/6, CTF 4/5, Drama 3

Photo of Tyson Niwa

Mr. Tyson Niwa

ELA 5/6/7, CTF 4/5/6/7, Social 5/6

Photo of Sharalyn Patching

Mrs. Sharalyn Patching

Grade 2 Homeroom, PEW 2/3

Photo of Jessica Thielen

Mrs. Jessica Thielen

Grade 1 Homeroom

Early Learning Instructor

Photo of Erynn Gordon

Mrs. Erynn Gordon

Support Staff

Photo of Tracy Bakke

Mrs. Tracy Bakke

Education Assistant

Photo of Amanda Hood

Mrs. Amanda Hood

Educational Assistant

Photo of Nyowa Leffler

Ms. Nyowa Leffler

Educational Assistant

Photo of Lucinda MacLean

Mrs. Lucinda MacLean

Educational Assistant

placeholder image for Cyntia Morales

Ms. Cyntia Morales

Educational Assistant

Photo of Cheryl Stewart

Mrs. Cheryl Stewart

Education Assistant

Photo of Samantha Trimble

Mrs. Samantha Trimble

Educational Assistant

Photo of Jodi Wills

Mrs. Jodi Wills

Educational Assistant, Learning Commons Support Worker

Family School Liaison Program

placeholder image for Kimberley Shakespeare

Kimberley Shakespeare

Wellness Coach

placeholder image for Kaitlyn Wendt

Mrs. Kaitlyn Wendt


placeholder image for Ivan Morales

Mr. Ivan Morales

placeholder image for Ronan Morales

Mr. Ronan Morales


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